MAS381 Mathematics III
complex value
harmonic function:
By definition a function is called harmonic if it is at least twice differentiable and it satisfies the well-known Laplace equation.
Euler’s formular:
week 2
complex differentiation
A complex function f(x) is differentiable at a point z if and only if the limiting ratio quotient exists.
Cauchy-Riemann equation:
a way to defferentiate a complex funtion
where u=real part and v=imagin part, and a function has a complex derivative f’(z) if and only if its real and imaginary parts are continuosly differentiable and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equation:
which is called the conjugate.
also, Cauchy-Riemann equation can find harmonic function as:
analytical functions
A complex function f(z) is called analytic at a point z0 if it has a power series expansion
we can use ratio test to find wheter a complex series is convergent or not by finding the limitation value of n-th term
if L<1, convergent series
if L>1, divergent series
if L=1, the test is inconclusion.
for complex power series, the sequence Cn converges with a limit L. If L=0, the power series converges for all z. If L not equal 0, then
There are four and only four possible types of singularities of a complex function:
- pole of order n. f(z)=(3z-2)/[(z-1)^2(z+1)(z-4)] has a pole of order 3 at z=1 and simple poles at z=-1 and 4
- branch points.f(z) = (z − 3)^1/2 has a algebraic branch point at z = 3 and f(z) = ln(z^2 + z − 2)has logarithmic branch points where z^2 + z − 2 = 0
- Essential singularity. the singularity is not pole or branch point.
- singularities at infinity
Taylor’s theorem
If a=0, the series can called Maclaurin series.
for the series have negative powers of (z-z0), equations can be writen like
Laurent’s theorem
Let function f(z) be analytical in annulus R<|z-z0|<ρ, it can be writen as
Where R belongs to negative part and ρ belongs to positive part.
really conplex content, remember to work the tutorial out.
week 4
three most common form to write a complex function:
where a,b are real numbers and x,y are variables
where a,b are complex numbers
where t is real and a,b are complex quantities
euqation can be
|z-z0|=R, z0=x0+iy0
z=x+iy=(x0+Rcosφ)+i(y0+Rsinφ)=z0+Re^iφ (0<=φ<2Pi)
integration and Cauchy’s theorem
Newton-Leibnitz formula
the equation C: z=z(t), a<=t<=b,
using linear integration
if f(z)=u+iv=2+i, z=x+iy, than x=2t, y=t.
Cauchy’s theorem
for two points x1=a1+ia2, x2=b1+ib2,
z=(1-t)(a1+ia2)+t(b1+ib2) (0<t<1)
or for circuit center z0=z1+iz2, radius=R,
z=z1+iz2+R(e^iφ) (0<φ<2Pi)
to Taylor series:
Residue Theorem
Let z=z0 be a singularity of the function f(z), the coefficient a is called residue of the function f(z)
the single residue (with single power) can be calculated as
but in multiple power, the function can be changed as
for closed contour C be the boundary of domain D,
for calculating real integrals, the contour C can be drawn as
which have ignored all results with negative imaginary.
where first interial is total contour results, second one is the real integrals and third one is the curve covered this domain(most cases equals to 0)
vector calculus
scalar field: f=x+y+z
vector field: u=(p,q,r)
for scalar field f, its gradient can be written as
the functions of div and curl operators are
initialize type | operator | result type |
scalar | gradient | vector |
vector | div | scalar |
vector | curl | vector |
like the function curl(div(u)) can not be defined cause div(u) is a scalar which can be curl which.
and there have two conditions the result will be 0:
- for any scalar f, curl(grad(f))=0
- for any vector u, div(curl(u))=0
for function div(grad(f))=∇.(∇(f))=fxx+fyy+fzz=∇^2(f), or called Laplancian (scalar field)
and curl(grad(f))=curl(fx,fy)=fyx-fxy=0
Week 8
a vector field u will have a potential function p (which is ∇(p)=u), only when u is conservative:
if E=(2x+xy,2y+xz,2z+xy)
Week 9
Integration along curve
a curve r=(x(t),y(t),z(t)) in the range of t(a<=t<=b),
where F=∇(p)
if F is a conservative vector fild, the potential function p for F is
value if a,b,c is not stable and can be choicen what ever we want. it is only valid for conservative field
if we want calculate its perdicular vector n then dt, get
Week 10
Surface Integrals
two-dimansional divergence theorem
D is region in plane which boundary is cloased curve C. dA=rdrdtheta
if D is surrounding with multiple curve C, they need to be added
Green’s theorem
when dA=ndA, n is unit normal vector to D and u=(P,Q),
three-dimansional divergence theorem
almost same with two-dimansional divergence
stokes’ theorem
cause if follows function in two-dimentional theorem, the direction of vertical vector n is cant been decided. hence two choice have in this function